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History of iPhone

           The story of man making apples

 The Apple iPhone is a dream come true for all lovers of technology. The iPhone has a high demand even among teenagers.  When asked what's so special about it, many would say it's just the name and logo.  It is not.  The fact of the matter is.  There is a lot of talk surrounding the Apple logo and name.

 Isaac Newton is the name that first came to our mind in connection with Apple.  There is a story that the name is named after the apple that fell on his head.

 Another story is the forbidden fruit shared by Adam and Eve.  It is said that the name was inspired by the music label of iBeatles.

 Behind Apple's name is a story related to Aisteb Jobs.  Behind the logo was Steve Jobs' love and admiration for Alan Turing, known as the "apostle of advanced computer technology."  He was jailed by people who did not respect Alan Turing's abilities.  He was a homosexual and was injecting estrogen as part of his treatment.  He eventually died from eating apples injected with cyanide.  Steve Jobs' biography of Walter Isaacson states that the name Apple was chosen from a fruit diet.

 There are many stories like IE, but none of these have been confirmed by Rob Janoff, who designed the Apple logo.  Rob says that he decided to make the logo a bit like Apple's apple or perhaps mistakenly think it was Apple.  The Apple logo has undergone several changes during this period.  Apple's first logo was born in 1976.  It was designed by Ronald Wayne, a rainbow-like apple.  This was done to highlight the graphics possibilities included in Apple.  With the arrival of the iMac in 1998, the logo has changed to the present.  Stories are behind the name, just like the logo.

 One group claimed that Apple was behind the iphone name, which was the label for the iBeatles music band.

 Apple is said to have taken the name of 'Atari Telephone' in the OTEL phone directory.

 Whatever the legends, it doesn't matter to Apple fans.  That's what they say: Apple Super….


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